Board of Directors

Meet the officers and members of Lake Wilderness Arboretum Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Kristin HaapasaariKristin Haapasaari, President

I have been a resident of Maple Valley for 20 years, raised a family, and focused on my career as a Park Operations Specialist and Crew Leader. Now that I have achieved my goal of 30 years of Service and have retired from Parks and Recreation, I have set new goals to serve my local community. I believe that our city has wonderful outdoor recreation opportunities as well as opportunities to give back and volunteer. I am currently serving on the Parks and Recreation Commission, as well as the Lake Wilderness Arboretum Board of Directors. I enjoy working with the staff to maintain and develop the Arboretum to its full potential. Past members have worked hard to give us this amazing resource and I would like to see the torch passed on to others to carry on this mission. I look forward to this challenge and hope the Arboretum continues to thrive and helps to inspire, educate and encourage appreciation for the natural world for future generations to come.

Ron Groepper, Vice President

Ron Groepper of Ravensdale joined the Lake Wilderness Arboretum Board in June of 2022.
Ron is a recent retiree, moving to Maple Valley from San Francisco where he worked for Kaiser
Permanente as a Senior Vice President running the Greater San Francisco service area. He is a
Registered Nurse by background and has a BA and MBA from the University of Nebraska. He completed certification as Master Gardener from WSU and is currently working on certification as a Master Pruner from Plant Amnesty.
Ron is an avid gardener and “professional” fixer having taken courses in plumbing, electrical wiring, small engine repair, auto mechanics and lawn irrigation systems from the local community college. In his spare time he builds furniture and has several pieces in his home including a roll top desk. Ron and his wife Colleen, married for 47 years, have 3 children and 5 grandchildren.

Kim Holben, Treasurer

My family and I moved to Maple Valley eight years ago. I have thirty years of accounting experience, which includes private, government and not-for-profit entities. My interest in serving my community along with the beauty and peace of nature has brought me to LWAF. I want to bring my financial business experience to support their vision and goals.

Diane BarnesDiane Barnes, Secretary

Although all of Lake Wilderness Arboretum is worthy of attention, the Arboretum’s Smith-Mossman garden has a special personal appeal to me. Frank Mossman and Britt Smith were frequent visitors to my family’s Portland area nursery in the 1960’s and 70’s. By serving on the Board, I try to do my small part in continuing their legacy of working for the preservation of the Western Azalea.I n

Karin TaylorKarin Taylor, Board Member

The City of Maple Valley has been home since 2005 and has been a wonderful place to raise a family. Living close to the arboretum and being able to hop on the trails made it easy to access nature and beauty in abundance.  Over the years, the arboretum has provided me exercise and knowledge as well as peace and solace.  Serving LWAF as a board member continues to bring me joy and hope as we work together to grow it ensuring it is a gift to our community that endures.

Vicki CunninghamVicki Cunningham, Board Member

Born of nature, volunteerism, and government partnership, Lake Wilderness Arboretum is a treasure that models the glories of native PNW vegetation interspersed with diverse plant specimens from around the world. I fell in love with its beauty and ideals when I first visited Maple Valley and hope to utilize my background in science, education, and public service to nurture community connections to nature and each other as a member of the LWAF board.